All activity on this service is logged.
Your current IP is:
1) Enter your shared secret
2) Select a boot mode from the options above (DFIR, Enumeration, Infil/Exfil, Phishing Investigations...)
3) ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "fakeusername" -f ./ephemeral_key
4) cat ./
5) Copy/Paste the entire public key into the top input box
6) Press Create
7) Ephemeral pivot creation process can take up to a minute, an IP will be presented when complete
8) ssh -i ./ephemeral_key [ephemeral ip]
9) The ephemeral pivot and public key material will self delete in 22minutes.
Creation and deletion times have random time jitter added to confuse provider logging.
1) Enter your shared secret
2) Select a boot mode from the options above (DFIR, Enumeration, Infil/Exfil, Phishing Investigations...)
3) Using your SSH and public key generator of choice, create a valid RSA 4096 key pair
4) Copy/Paste the entire public key into the top input box
5) Press Create
6) Ephemeral server creation process can take up to a minute, an IP will be presented when complete
7) Using the SSH client of your choice connect to the ephemeral server (dont forget to add your private key to the client)
8) The ephemeral server and public key material will self delete in 22minutes.
Creation and deletion times have random time jitter added to confuse provider logging.
COMING SOON is a Pivot-as-a-service provider offering short lived emphemeral servers in a randomized country.
The epehemeral server and its key material are automatically deleted after 22minutes.
Provider accounts (AWS, GCP, DO, Linode, Vultr) for this service are recycled every 7 days.
This service is intended for information security professionals conducting legal activities and investigations. This service is invite only. To be included in daily shared key updates contact:
For legal, sales, and LE/CI questions contact:
The Mentalburden Team takes no responsibility as to how this service is used.